STJLC Music Ministry
Music is an essential part of worship at St. James Lutheran
Church. We have many opportunities for musicians and singers
of all ages to participate in the music ministry at StLC. If you are
interested in being part of one of our musical groups, or would like
more information, please contact Christine Kenny, Music
Director at
Contemporary Worship Band – Rehearsal Thursday at
7:30pm. The Contemporary Worship Band is an inter-
generational group of musicians consisting of singers, guitarists,
bassists, drummers, and keyboard players. The band leads the
worship music each Sunday at the 10:00 am Family service.
King’s Kids Choir – Rehearsal Sundays 11:30am - 12:15pm.
StJLC King’s Kids Choir provides an opportunity for children to
participate in the music ministry of St. James Lutheran Church,
while learning about music and the Christian faith. All children,
grades 3-8 are welcome to participate. The children will learn that
their love for music can be a way to worship and praise God!
Combining vocal music, with instruments and movement, the
children will learn to be active participants and leaders in worship,
while having fun making music. The King’s Kids Choir presents
musical selections at various worship services, including Sunday
mornings during our 10am Family service and church holidays.
Chancel Chimes - Rehearsal Wednesdays, 6:30-
7:30 pm. The Chancel Chimes is an inter-generational group
of handbell and hand chime ringers. Prior musical experience is
not necessary, just the ability to count, and a desire to ring your
praise to the Lord. The Chancel Chimes rehearses weekly,
and participates in various weekend worship services, as well as
church holidays.
Festival Choir – Rehearsal TBD. This mixed-voice, inter-
generational choir prepares special music to present on festival
Sundays, holidays and special events.
Musicians – If you play an instrument, or have a talent you would
like to share to enhance the worship experience, your
participation is encouraged and appreciated. Various musical
opportunities exist at all services and special events during the year.
Church. We have many opportunities for musicians and singers
of all ages to participate in the music ministry at StLC. If you are
interested in being part of one of our musical groups, or would like
more information, please contact Christine Kenny, Music
Director at
Contemporary Worship Band – Rehearsal Thursday at
7:30pm. The Contemporary Worship Band is an inter-
generational group of musicians consisting of singers, guitarists,
bassists, drummers, and keyboard players. The band leads the
worship music each Sunday at the 10:00 am Family service.
King’s Kids Choir – Rehearsal Sundays 11:30am - 12:15pm.
StJLC King’s Kids Choir provides an opportunity for children to
participate in the music ministry of St. James Lutheran Church,
while learning about music and the Christian faith. All children,
grades 3-8 are welcome to participate. The children will learn that
their love for music can be a way to worship and praise God!
Combining vocal music, with instruments and movement, the
children will learn to be active participants and leaders in worship,
while having fun making music. The King’s Kids Choir presents
musical selections at various worship services, including Sunday
mornings during our 10am Family service and church holidays.
Chancel Chimes - Rehearsal Wednesdays, 6:30-
7:30 pm. The Chancel Chimes is an inter-generational group
of handbell and hand chime ringers. Prior musical experience is
not necessary, just the ability to count, and a desire to ring your
praise to the Lord. The Chancel Chimes rehearses weekly,
and participates in various weekend worship services, as well as
church holidays.
Festival Choir – Rehearsal TBD. This mixed-voice, inter-
generational choir prepares special music to present on festival
Sundays, holidays and special events.
Musicians – If you play an instrument, or have a talent you would
like to share to enhance the worship experience, your
participation is encouraged and appreciated. Various musical
opportunities exist at all services and special events during the year.