Dear St. James Church Members,
This Sunday we will be once again celebrating Communion together, from 9am-11am. This time, it will be “walk-up” Communion. The process will be very similar to how it was on Pentecost – you will come and park in the large parking lot, and each family group (or car-load) will be sent to Communion one at a time. This time, instead of walking through the church building, you will simply proceed to the front of the church, where Pastor will be. (Those who have difficulty walking will also be able to drive to the front, just like last time.) The same safety procedures are being followed with regards to keeping distance and sanitizing hands.
We hope that you will be able to join us! Please do not feel pressured to come if you do not feel comfortable. Just like last time, the complete worship service will be available for all to watch at stjlc.com/online-worship. Thank you!