St. James Lutheran Church hosts a Live Nativity at the St. James Holiday Christmas Market from 3:00pm-8:00 pm. There are no lines to learn. In addition to the “parts” you can sign up for hospitality or carol singing. If you sign up for hospitality you will be helping with hot chocolate, cookies or marshmallow roasting at the fire. Caroling will be between 5:30pm and 6:30pm. Feel free to sign up with your family as your gift to the community!
You can sign up for one 30 minute session or more!
IMPORTANT – For the part of the angel, adults only please as they will be on the top of a ladder.
Scroll down to the character you want to play and fill in that time slot.
When you sign up please include the following in the comment. (Your age if a child and your costume size if an adult: S, M, L or XL) This is so we have the correct costume ready for you.
Please sign up by clicking on this link….